Garden of the Gods Proposal with Brent & Nicole

I had the privilege to capture this Garden of the Gods proposal with Brent and Nicole in the fall. Brent wanted to pop the question close to sunset. So we picked a spot to meet and talked about some other potential locations to go to afterwards. We decided on some places among the red rock formations and then another spot which overlooks the unique features in the Garden of the Gods Park.
The Wind Picked up During our Session
The wind started to really pick up during our session and brought with it a little bit of rain. These two were good sports and braved the weather as we finished up taking photographs. We even caught a little bit of color in the sky during the last part of our portraits. Before that we were able to walk along the pathway by the main parking lot and capture some images when the weather was calm.
Proposing at Garden of the Gods
Doing your proposal at Garden of the Gods can be a wonderful spot. But the area can get crowded, and knowing where to pop the question away from the large crowds can be helpful. We picked a spot along the path a little ways from the main parking lot. It was far enough away from the main lot that the crowds thinned out a bit, but we still had some small groups to work around. Its a beautiful spot that’s easy to access which a lot of people enjoy. So if you end up doing a Gardens of the God proposal, be prepared that other people will be around in one form or another.
Thanks Brent & Nicole
Brent and Nicole, thanks for choosing me to capture this moment for you two. Its such a special location and I know it will have a new meaning for you two now. I hope you are doing well and having fun with your wedding planning. Congratulations and I hope you have a wonderful wedding celebration!