Colorado Proposal Ideas, Places & Preparation

Here are some Colorado Proposal Ideas – Places To Go and How to Prepare

There are so many fun things you can do for Colorado proposal ideas. I’m going to share a little about what some of my past clients have done, plus thoughts and tips on how to make it special and enjoyable. These are always so fun to be part of as a photographer. Its a mix of celebrating something amazing and meaningful, joyful emotions, while also being a little sneaky.

A Little Preparation Goes a Long Way

If you have a photographer join you like myself, make sure to sort out some details first. When I’ve done this in the past, usually my “story” is I’m on the trail taking some nature photos and have nothing to do with the couple. Because of that, pick an exact location where you’ll meet. Use maps and landmarks to be specific. Don’t rely on your cell phones. In a lot of places cell coverage isn’t an option. So knowing where you’re going beforehand is a must. This moment is going to happen really fast and you want everyone to be prepared to capture some great photos.

This may be the first time you’ve met your photographer in person. So share with them what you’ll be wearing and send them a photo of the two of you prior to the proposal day.

Colorado Proposal Ideas – Make it Easy on Yourself

There’s so much you can do with surprise proposal ideas. But don’t stress yourself out. Its nerve racking enough to pop the question. Try to keep it simple and meaningful. Think of a spot that has significance to the two of you. If you’re meeting up with a photographer, stay somewhere close to the trail head so you don’t lose each other.

If you don’t hire a professional but want to capture the moment, think about having a close friend come with you. They could do a video on their phone. Just make sure they’re prepared too and know when to hit start for the recording.

Colorado Proposal Ideas – Find a Quiet Spot

This is a very intimate moment. Unless you both love crowds of people, I would suggest picking a place to propose that’s a little quiet. That way it’s all about you. Even if you’re headed to a popular spot or trail, usually there’s a section that’s less traveled than others.

When Aaron proposed to Teassa on the top of Aspen Mountain. But instead of doing it right around the lodge, we met up a little ways down the trail. It made a huge difference. Around the lodge there were large crowds of people taking photos from the beautiful overlook. By just walking a short ways down one of the trails Aaron & Teassa were able to have that moment in more privacy. There was a group of about 4 people and myself enjoying the view before the two of them showed up.

My husband and I have a saying when we’re out exploring, “if you try 10% harder, you’ll loose 90% of the crowds.” Keep that in mind when looking for a great quiet place. You probably don’t have to go very far to find it.

Make Time for a Portrait Session

Usually when I capture surprise proposals, we also set aside time afterwards for a portrait session. Its such a joyful exciting moment in your lives. You’ll appreciate being able to relive that day through photos celebrating your engagement. Even if you don’t have a photographer with you, snap some selfies or ask someone to take a few photos for you.

Colorado Proposal Ideas – Having a Second Element of Surprise

I know I said earlier to keep it simple. But if you like surprises, having a second element of surprise is a way to keep your fiance on their toes. With most couples, the person being proposed to has a vague idea that a proposal is coming. I really loved what Aaron did for his proposal. He asked close friends and family of both his and his fiance’s to join them for a surprise party after he popped the question. They kept it simple, gathering at a brewery with some cake and beer. But his fiance was so surprised to see all those people. It was a unique and fun way to add a second element of surprise to the day. And also was a really cool way to incorporate all their favorite people and be able to celebrate together.

Beautiful Places to Propose in Colorado

Maroon Bells

Colorado proposal ideas Maroon Bells

Aspen Mountain

Colorado proposal ideas Aspen Mountain

Rocky Mountain National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park Engagement

Lost Gulch Overlook

Couple photos at Lost Gulch Overlook

Colorado Springs

See more amazing places around the Springs to propose. Check out this article from Visit Colorado Springs about the Top Places to Pop the Question

Looking for more inspiration on ways to propose?

Check out this Shutterfly article with a ton of more fun ideas

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April 21, 2020

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