Proposing in Snowmass Colorado with Jason and Quiana

Thinking about proposing in Snowmass Colorado? Check out these images and read on about Jason and Quiana’s proposal there along the Ditch Trail in November. Jason and Quiana traveled to Colorado from New York for a relaxing weekend in the mountains. Jason reached out to me before their trip because he wanted to propose while they were out here. We talked about some different location options and finally decided on the Ditch Trail in Snowmass. Don’t let the name fool you. It sounds like it would be a mediocre trail, but it has some really beautiful views of the mountains and some lovely sections of aspen forest.
Setting up for the Proposal
Jason wanted to play one of Quiana’s favorite songs before he dropped to one knee. So I brought along a Bluetooth speaker with the song preloaded on my phone. I set up my tripod and camera along the trail as if I were taking some landscape photos. Then as they walked by our meeting spot, I hit play. The song started to play, Jason stopped to say a few words to her and then dropped to one knee. I turned my camera and captured the moment. They were so cute and she was super surprised!
Proposing in Snowmass Colorado during the Fall Shoulder Season
I met Jason and Quiana in November which is part of the shoulder season of fall. The resorts aren’t quite open for the winter season and some of the summer activities which go on, like the gondola rides have ended. That makes the area much quieter which was nice for having privacy. We ran into just a handful of other people along the trail during the time we were there. It also means that the trails can get muddy. Some snow and rain starts around this time of year, but the trails aren’t covered yet. Jason and Quiana were both good sports and trekked through the mud with me to get out to a beautiful lookout area down the trail a bit.
Quiana Wasn’t Big on Hiking
When Jason and I talked about locations, he liked the thought of the trail I suggested. We ended up meeting about a 1/2 mile down from the start. I later found out that Quiana wasn’t too big on hiking and she was wondering why they were going on this trail in the first place. Jason told her he was going to make it up to her, and he totally did! Once he proposed she was all smiles and they were super cute to take photos of. He definitely surprised her by taking her on an adventure that they normally wouldn’t go on.
Thanks Jason & Quiana
Jason & Quiana, thanks so much for trusting me to capture this time for you two and inviting me to create engagement photos for you two. You were such good sports with all the hiking and the muddy trail. It was a beautiful spot and you two were adorable! I hope you enjoyed your trip and are doing well. Much love to you two!