Proposal Photographer Colorado with Brandon and Isabel around Union Station in Denver

I love being a proposal photographer in Colorado. Its so fun to capture moments in time like this one with Brandon & Isabel around Union Station in Denver. Brandon debated between proposing in the mountains around Aspen or asking Isabel somewhere around downtown Denver. Both had meaning for them in terms of places they had visited early in their relationship.
Proposing on Millennium Bridge
In the end he decided to propose on Millennium Bridge. It’s a unique pedestrian bridge in downtown Denver that has a very urban feel with large steel cables and walls of blue glass skyscrapers behind it. It’s also a short walk from Union Station which was one of their first date spots. So it was great location to be able to drop to one knee and then walk around that part of Denver for some portraits afterwards.
Helping Plan and Prepare as a Colorado Proposal Photographer
Capturing proposals takes a little more planning and preparation than a normal portrait session. Brandon and I went over a lot of details before meeting. We discussed the bridge and when and where would be a good place for him to drop to one knee keeping in mind where the crowds of people might be less and what angles would look most flattering at what time of day. We also worked out what his story would be to Isabel. Since we were meeting in the late morning, he decided to tell her they were going out for lunch in Denver as a date. And that they would do a little bit of walking around the city before lunch. That way they were both dressed up a bit for the surprise portrait session.
Thanks Brandon & Isabel!
Brandon & Isabel, thanks for trusting me to capture this moment for you and sharing your lives with me. I’m so excited for you two and hope you’re doing well. You two are super cute together. It was so fun to capture the excitement of this day. Have fun with the wedding planning as you shape what you want your day to look like. Thanks and congrats to you two!